Контекстная реклама в Европе
Контекстная реклама в Европе: эффективные стратегии, тренды и особенности рынка для успешного продвижения бизнеса в цифровом пространстве.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France.
Preliminary, French authorities accuse Durov of poor moderation on Telegram, which contributed to the distribution of drugs and child pornography, as well as money laundering.
It seems that this is an attempt to put more pressure on Telegram and force it to cooperate with the special services. Telegram has long claimed the confidentiality of user data and refused to provide information about users and correspondence to the authorities. Pavel Durov initially claimed that this was technically impossible, since the correspondence data is stored on users' devices. The only option for providing information was then said to be the transfer of encryption keys to the special services, which would make absolutely all correspondence available, but Durov refused to do this.
In 2018, Telegram finally agreed to transfer some data to intelligence agencies under three conditions:
I was unable to find out whether Telegram actually transmitted such data: Durov promised to regularly publish reports on the transfer of data to security forces, but I did not find such reports.
It is ironic that France is repeating the actions of the Russian government 10 years later: remember that Durov left Russia in 2014 after he refused to publish data on Ukrainian protest leaders from the social network VKontakte.
Russian politicians and propagandists rushed to Durov's defense, but in my opinion, this is an attempt to sink him even further. For example, Mizulina complained that Durov's arrest caused the collapse of the TON Telegram token, which was used by "major Russian businessmen", this is an obvious hint that Telegram was used to circumvent sanctions.
Durov is the central person in making strategic decisions, but without him, the taggers will not die, the team will continue to work. In general, the platform does not need to urgently start interacting with any states. Most likely, on the contrary, we should expect a transition from “non-interaction” to counteraction against states.
Pavel Durov will stand trial as a French citizen in what we hope will be an open and fair trial. The Telegram case is likely to spark debate about the extent to which messaging apps should be held accountable for the messages their users share.
Контекстная реклама в Европе: эффективные стратегии, тренды и особенности рынка для успешного продвижения бизнеса в цифровом пространстве.
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